DeprecationWarning: Using 'compiler' as the first argument is deprecated. Please use 'options' as the first argument and 'compiler' as the second argument error on React Native.

I am trying to start my React Native App in offline mode using the command below

npx expo start -c --offline 

But the app does'nt start and instead outputs the error below in the console

[DEP_WEBPACK_DEV_SERVER_CONSTRUCTOR] DeprecationWarning: Using 'compiler' as the first argument is deprecated. Please use 'options' as the first argument and 'compiler' as the second argument.


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This error is becasue of the arrangement of the command you are using to start the React Native application, all you need to do is switch the positions of -c and --offline as shown below.

npx expo start --offline -c 


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#Javascript #ReactNative

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Satus: Open
Messages: 1Started: 2023-07-26




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